Harold Camping speaks! The 89-year-old Nostradamus from Northern California, who spent millions of his followers' dollars to get out the word that the world was ending on Saturday, has been noticeably silent since that day came and went rather unremarkably. But he's at last ready to talk — and oy, what a weekend. Here's video of Robert Fitzpatrick who spent all of his money, NOT on strippers but on this crazy shit, being accosted by an angry mob in Times Square. LISTEN DIMWITS! I know that you have “faith” but I question faith in what? Religion is man made, so unless there’s another George W. Bush inspired Katrina, well that’s all we can expect.
Times square may, 21 2011 6:05. None of the people talking were me.
Appearing at his front door, sfgate.com reports, Camping told the crowd of journalists and angry followers that "it has been a really tough weekend."
[T]here was Camping, "flabbergasted" in Alameda, wearing tan slacks, a tucked-in polo shirt and a light jacket. [...]
"I'm looking for answers," Camping said, adding that meant frequent prayer and consultations with friends. It would have been way to unbearable to have the world end after Gawker posted that photo of Arnold Schwarzenegger's dick anyway. We were granted from total ,obliteration a reprieve, Hmmm, maybe there is a “god[ess]” after all.
"I have nothing else to say," Harold said, closing the door to his home. "I'll be back to work Monday and will say more then."
Harold you are right, you have NOTHING to say, take your old ass to bed. It’s OVER.
It’s easy for Harold to stay silent! What about poor Robert Fitzpatrick, the former MTA employee in the video above, who spent his savings on doomsday subway ads and billboards (I am a feminist, but if ever a guy needed to get “laid” it’s Robert). . Downside: No apocalypse. Upside: Jersey Boys is half-off at the TKTS booth!