UPDATE: Regrets...

UPDATE: Will Romi regret dumping Kelsey? I was on Romi's Twitter feed for a couple of days and all I am wondering is: Why all the "I Love You"'s to Kelsey? I thought thst they had broken up but Romi's twitter feed appears virtually dedicated exclusively to Kelsey. Me thinks th viewers have been duped once again. Maybe Kelsey has mad skills or is not a drinkard in real life: Being a drunkard should be a major deal breaker.

Original Post.

Despite Kelsey’s alcohol induced delusion that Romi will regret kicking Kelsey to the curb, I see no regrets.

The woman is seemingly incapable of facial expressions.
Buh Bye...Seriously will you go away already?
I mean After-All it’s ROMI! Jesus Christ Look at Her!
Even when she’s crying you just want to comfort her.

I’m not going to sugar coat anything here. Remember this is a blog for ADULT lesbians, and in typical alcoholic behavior Kelsey tried to guilt trip Romi into believing that she was selfish merely because she took her own best interests into consideration. That’s what substance abusers do! They make their addiction YOUR fault. If YOU weren’t so selfish, controlling, unsupportive then you would clearly see that YOUR the one with the problem, not them.

I mean let’s not mention the fact that Kelsey couldn’t go an episode and a half without catching an attitude because she wants to drink.

See ladies I don’t drink, it’s by choice. Oh I can if I wanted to but I have no desire to drink just to get buzzed. I did when I was in college but those days are over.

I will confess that I like fancy drinks but I’m content with having the non alcohol version of a specialty drink like an Apple-tini or Cape Cod. Alcohol has waaay too many calories .
But back to Romi, Hot Damn! That woman is FOINE.
But NOT with Whitney!


Finally Romi is the “Perfect” bottom, who can be my "Pillow Queen" anytime.

Why is it the producers intent to give us cast members each season that we don’t want?

Isn’t tolerating Whitney ENOUGH?!