I NEVER Write Anything Racially Incendiary Without An Explanation.
I’m not particularly fond of “explanations” when they are offered by alleged contemporaries, hmm that’s very odd because I usually hunger for knowledge. The reason I am not particularly a fan of hearing explanations is because one’s view is almost always invariably influenced by their paradigmatic assumption. HUH? A Paradigm is our view of the world, our paradigmatic assumption is how we make sense or order of the world we perceive based on our experiences, norms, mores and values.
In this Post Modernist World I exist in, I encounter individuals who claim not to “see” one’s color. However that is NOT the key towards creating a Race-less society as such a thing cannot exist. It is more important to acknowledge our differences and to embrace such differences as valid to an individual’s identity. I become annoyed when unspoken rules are applied to me and I am expected to tacitly agree to following such rules, that may have an assumption that if one witnesses under-representation of people of color (Lesbian) on certain websites then it will be accepted without question and more importantly, no attempt will be made to rectify the disparity.
In this Post Modernist World I exist in, I encounter individuals who claim not to “see” one’s color. However that is NOT the key towards creating a Race-less society as such a thing cannot exist. It is more important to acknowledge our differences and to embrace such differences as valid to an individual’s identity. I become annoyed when unspoken rules are applied to me and I am expected to tacitly agree to following such rules, that may have an assumption that if one witnesses under-representation of people of color (Lesbian) on certain websites then it will be accepted without question and more importantly, no attempt will be made to rectify the disparity.
In a Global context “People of Color” [A term used, primarily in the United States, to describe all people who are not white and a preferable term because it frames the subject positively and has the power to unite disparate racial and ethnic groups into a larger collective in solidarity with one another.] are the majority, however western European colonization has displaced many an indigenous people and the resulting structural stratification that was instituted through structural violence has created a world where one particular group still holds the majority of the cards when it comes to establishing cultural norms and values.
There are individuals of color who already have sublimated their identity to the dominant culture and will therefore disagrees with this blog post. However whether or not we explicitly acknowledge it, our actions can be racially motivated.
There are rules that exist in the United States where if a person of color experiences something that is “suspect” (meaning that the actions they’ve experienced may have been racially motivated) then they aren’t to acknowledge that because the dominant group will indict them as using the Race Card. But in sublimating one’s identity we invalidate our “sense of self” and reinforce the dominant culture which may not be right in their belief’s and actions.
Origins of the Racial Divide:
This is why I don’t like explanations like the one I read concerning human morphology. The argument was that North Africans are primarily of Caucasian descent. This is problematic because of one glaring FACT: The OLDEST skeletal remains of a humanoid were found in SOUTH Africa NOT Europe (No I’m NOT being Afri-centric). If one engages in primary research they can trace human development and emigration they will discover a northeastern migratory path which leads to Caucasus or Caucas which is a geopolitical region at the border of Europe and Asia.
It is home to the Caucasus Mountains, including Europe's highest mountain (Mount Elbrus). I mean that’s IT, period. As humans developed and migrated their facial featured adapted to climate and terrain changes of whatever region they happened to be in. Of course this occurred over a time span of millions of years. This phenomena is more commonly known as: “EVOLUTION.”
There...DONE. This has NEVER been scientifically proven to be untrue.
However white supremacists argue the absolute reverse, and I reiterate that I am mixed race, therefore I am not bashing whites by any means. I am bashing the insecure and undereducated who cling to perceptions that rely on theories posited by Swedish Botanist Carl Linneus (Lineaus) also known as the father of modern taxonomy, wherein classification of plants were used by individuals as a basis for determining order where Europe was at the top of the list and descended to Africa located at the bottom. Thusly when applied to humans the darker one’s complexion the less status they would appear to have socially.
When I was a child I invoked the universe to let me see the world as it really is. Over the years my brain filled with so much knowledge that it often means forgoing a logical explanation in lieu of writing something simple like : “Fuck You.” Everyone understands a healthy “Fuck You.” or identifying the culprit by their race. Race will always exist and one should question why a person want to deny that fact.
There are individuals of color who already have sublimated their identity to the dominant culture and will therefore disagrees with this blog post. However whether or not we explicitly acknowledge it, our actions can be racially motivated.
There are rules that exist in the United States where if a person of color experiences something that is “suspect” (meaning that the actions they’ve experienced may have been racially motivated) then they aren’t to acknowledge that because the dominant group will indict them as using the Race Card. But in sublimating one’s identity we invalidate our “sense of self” and reinforce the dominant culture which may not be right in their belief’s and actions.
Origins of the Racial Divide:
This is why I don’t like explanations like the one I read concerning human morphology. The argument was that North Africans are primarily of Caucasian descent. This is problematic because of one glaring FACT: The OLDEST skeletal remains of a humanoid were found in SOUTH Africa NOT Europe (No I’m NOT being Afri-centric). If one engages in primary research they can trace human development and emigration they will discover a northeastern migratory path which leads to Caucasus or Caucas which is a geopolitical region at the border of Europe and Asia.
It is home to the Caucasus Mountains, including Europe's highest mountain (Mount Elbrus). I mean that’s IT, period. As humans developed and migrated their facial featured adapted to climate and terrain changes of whatever region they happened to be in. Of course this occurred over a time span of millions of years. This phenomena is more commonly known as: “EVOLUTION.”
There...DONE. This has NEVER been scientifically proven to be untrue.
However white supremacists argue the absolute reverse, and I reiterate that I am mixed race, therefore I am not bashing whites by any means. I am bashing the insecure and undereducated who cling to perceptions that rely on theories posited by Swedish Botanist Carl Linneus (Lineaus) also known as the father of modern taxonomy, wherein classification of plants were used by individuals as a basis for determining order where Europe was at the top of the list and descended to Africa located at the bottom. Thusly when applied to humans the darker one’s complexion the less status they would appear to have socially.
When I was a child I invoked the universe to let me see the world as it really is. Over the years my brain filled with so much knowledge that it often means forgoing a logical explanation in lieu of writing something simple like : “Fuck You.” Everyone understands a healthy “Fuck You.” or identifying the culprit by their race. Race will always exist and one should question why a person want to deny that fact.