Just In Time For Halloween: Rihanna Finds Love, and It Looks Like Chris Brown

This is the lead single from Rihanna's sixth album, Talk That Talk, out on Nov. 18.

Rihanna's video for "We Found Love," the one that got her kicked off of a field in Ireland, is here. Scenes from the orgiastic mud party she shot there made it in (2:00), but the most compelling part of this video that it tells a Requiem For A Dream-inspired tale of reckless love “featuring a dude with the same hairstyle as Chris Brown.
There's even a scene where they argue in a car (2:52).” Yes one can assume that the author is reaching to find some sort of sensationalist connect to re invigorate the Rihanna/Brown Disaster and if you’re 13 that may work, but if you’re older you think: 

“Really?” It’s not as if it’s that unusual for there to be a physical resemblance between the two but is this going to far? It's almost Freudian. 

The majority of Lesberatti readers are intelligent and no explanation is necessary, for the rest here you go:

Chris Brown is a handsome guy who is a performer and the model UK boxer/modelimage Dudley O’Shaughnessy is a handsome guy (Personally I find the model more attractive than Brown.) who is a performer (albeit limited in scope) Both have facial features that are acceptable for crossing over, as in not too dark, or too urban (Ghetto, Thug) looking. If RiRi is smitten, well we always remember our first love [No matter how traumatic].

But wait he’s a boxer, too?! Aww HELL No! This will never work Ri-Ri, no matter how light his eyes are (he’s biracial) and how high his cheek bones. Rihanna needs to move on.

Maybe Rihanna chose this model in order to achieve a cathartic effect, who cares? Or, maybe she hasn't broken out of that psychological cycle of violence that so many battered women find themselves trapped it.

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