Electronic Cigarettes Get FDA Warning:

FDA Acts Against Electronic Cigarette Companies.

I AM IN A MORAL QUANDRY. The Monetization program I am currently using gives faster payouts but the advertisers are not very good.

If you are not a smoker DO NOT try Red Dragon eCigarrets.  These electronic Cigarettes contain NICOTINE and NICOTINE is the MOST Addictive substance on Earth (it’s more addictive than Heroin and Morphine). I know this because I was a smoker for 18 years. thankfully I was able to quit many years ago with the help of the Lesbian Health Organization The Mautner Project.

I hate that these are the ads are authorized by the program I am a member of. If my readership were higher I could use a different advertising program. Until then Do NOT Smoke Electronic Cigarettes.



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