Sophia Vergara [Notice how Sophia’s hair is slowly reverting to it’s natural blond] and Jennifer Tilly [Sexy Violet from the movie BOUND]:
Oh to have seen Tilly and Vergara as Outlaw Lesbian Lovers in the movie: BOUND. Now that’s what I want some subtext about. Wish I was a filmmaker because I sure would have somehow digitally edited Sophia Vergara into this scene: Note Scene NOT in English.
Modern Family Ep 7
Jennifer Tilly will be 53 or 54 Next February, so don’t start on that “Eew She’s Old Crap” because to me Tilly will forever be:
Oh to have seen Tilly and Vergara as Outlaw Lesbian Lovers in the movie: BOUND. Now that’s what I want some subtext about. Wish I was a filmmaker because I sure would have somehow digitally edited Sophia Vergara into this scene: Note Scene NOT in English.
To me Sophia would have been an aesthetically equal counter-part to Tilly in 1996, but alas she may have been too young to have played the Gina Gershon role during that time. Still don’t be fooled because the media is now making Sophia Vergara younger [As in the 39 years she is currently claiming to be]. Sophia Vergara is in her 40’s.