Last Post About Whitney Houston: She was happiest with her female partner, says Peter Tatchell


“It’s important to tell the truth about this aspect of her life. Colluding with the cover-up of her same-sex relationship is not right.” Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell 

Well. DUH! If you are as  old as I am then you remember all of the societal pressures on Houston when her “partnership" with Robyn [remember her] was revealed. [Unless Houston’s death was the result of a legitimate accident and not the NOT the type of accident that results in one ingesting BOTTLE of prescription painkillers] then there are many questions.


“She was pressured into the Bobby Brown marriage. It was a disaster. Her life started going downhill soon afterwards. Perhaps her inability to accept and express her same-sex love contributed to her substance abuse and decline?

Many People Live a Life of Denial, but it’s the 21st Century so Listen Up [Especially YOU Queen Latifah].  The time of living in agony is OVER, it’s never= too late to be who you are meant to be, not what everyone else wants you to be.

Houston appeared to be at her physically and emotionally healthiest when she was with Robyn Crawford, in fact her subsequent marriage to Bobby Brown appeared to be a reaction to allegations of her lesbianism.  If one is a lesbian, it doesn’t mean that they will never sleep with a man. Most lesbians have had relationships with men, but most stop when they come out of the closet.

Their relationship was dogged with lesbian rumors, which they always denied [At the time what other option did they have, without jeopardizing Houston's career? ].
Peter Tatchell Adds:
"I met Whitney and her partner at the Reach Out & Touch HIV rally in London in 1991, organized by Vernal Scott. Whitney spoke very movingly in support of people with HIV, at a time when many other stars kept their distance.
"Whitney's death is a tragic loss of a great vocal talent," Tatchell added.
The comments have been met with a mixed reaction. Some have described it as a "cheap shot" while another user wrote: "You are posthumously outing WH, really?"
If Whitney was posthumously outed then GOOD! Who are we keeping Houston’s lesbianism from? The African American Community? The Evangelicals? Oh Please Spare Me!
The STIGMA of being a lesbian should have been lifted earlier because there is NO Shame in being a lesbian and in fact Houston’s reaction to initially being outed years ago may have led to her subsequent, destructive relationship with male partner Bobby Brown [The pathological penis strikes AGAIN!]. 

If that’s the case then people [Especially African Americans] need to stop expecting gay men and lesbians to live by some abnormal code that denies a them happiness because the straight community is delusional over non existent religious aspects.
In his memoir, Houston's ex-husband Bobby Brown once implied that their marriage was a smokescreen for Houston's alleged lesbian sexuality.
While both Houston and Crawford denied being gay, Houston’s explanation was still very forward thinking for the time: “My mother taught me that when you stand in the truth and someone tells a lie about you, don’t fight it. I’m not with any man. I’m not in love. People see Robyn with me, and they draw their own conclusions. Anyway, whose business is it if you’re gay or like dogs? What others do shouldn’t matter. Let people talk. It doesn’t bother me because I know I’m not gay. I don’t care.”