The ONLY thing that troubles me about Freja is: Like EVERY Other supermodel she was "discovered just walking down the street." Supermodels NEVER seem to have to do what is considered "Grunt" work, which includes sitting in the waiting room of a modeling agency along with 30 other models checking you out. The "I was discovered just walking down the street" line is a crock of shit [I know, I did it] and I wish the industry world stop lying.
The closest on air representation of what a model goes through can be seen on America's Next Top Model but even that is romanticized because modeling isn't a Television show, but it does show the interview process and the "Go See"s.
Let me tell you this: In the many, many years since my experience, things have only become MORE competitive. It's not like you have a private interview with a potential agent unless invited like in the movie GIA. Although in those days you could be seen by a top agency if you waited around [maybe].
Today No ONE is discovered walking down the street or laying on a beach, they are more likely to be mistaken for a prostitute.
For me it was entering a room at the agency along with 30 other women also looking for their big break and showing my book right there, in front of everybody. No reality competitions like races courtesy of ANTM.
In the beginning for most models there are no private meetings. So one is either in or out and having their looks critiqued right there in front of everyone. Freja could’ve been solicited but I doubt it was by an agent who just happened to stumble upon her.
Freja Beha Erichson KNOWS she’s got a “LOOK” and she actively pursued promoting herself. Beautiful women KNOW they are beautiful, whether they acknowledge it publicly is another matter.
It can be damaging and intimidating especially when competing with gorgeous rivals and not feeling particularly gorgeous. I must have had a look of: "I will be devastated if you are mean to me." Because as I previously wrote the person who reviewed my book said: "Too exotic, but call ------ agency." I called them said I was referred to by X agency [at the time a notable agency located in Manhattan] and they told me to come in! What?! That doesn't happen today.
ANTM gives a glimpse into the impact of rejection, and despite hearing: "It's not personal" the reality is how can it not be personal? You are a person being evaluated, plain and simple.
ANTM gives a glimpse into the impact of rejection, and despite hearing: "It's not personal" the reality is how can it not be personal? You are a person being evaluated, plain and simple.