Subject: Tell Fla. Gov Rick Scott to stop the GOP voter purge in Florida
Dear Friend,
The Justice Department (DOJ) just sent a letter to the Florida Secretary of State, demanding the state cease the purging its voting rolls because the process has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act.
But it's not over. The DOJ has given Florida until June 6 to cease its ongoing voter purge which supposedly targets non-citizens but which we know is throwing thousands of eligible citizen voters off the rolls. We now need to turn up the pressure on Florida Governor Rick Scott to immediately comply with the DOJ's request. Over 11,000 CREDO Action members in Florida have already signed our petition, and they need your help.
I just told Governor Scott to immediately suspend his efforts to purge thousands of eligible citizens from the voter rolls. I hope you will join the cause by signing this petition as well.
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Dear Friend,
The Justice Department (DOJ) just sent a letter to the Florida Secretary of State, demanding the state cease the purging its voting rolls because the process has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act.
But it's not over. The DOJ has given Florida until June 6 to cease its ongoing voter purge which supposedly targets non-citizens but which we know is throwing thousands of eligible citizen voters off the rolls. We now need to turn up the pressure on Florida Governor Rick Scott to immediately comply with the DOJ's request. Over 11,000 CREDO Action members in Florida have already signed our petition, and they need your help.
I just told Governor Scott to immediately suspend his efforts to purge thousands of eligible citizens from the voter rolls. I hope you will join the cause by signing this petition as well.
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RT @CREDOMobile Tell @FLGovScott to immediately suspend voter purging in Florida #p2 #pflaTweet this
Technorati Tags: Governor Scott,Florida,Voting Righhts Act