In fact Mitt Romney has said himself that the truest words are the words that he first says and his campaign has aid that: THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT A President thAT ISN’T AFRAID TO SAY WHAT IS ON HIS MIND.
Then we can take Mitt at his word when he uttered that xenophobic and racist comment that Palestine isn’t economically succesful like Isreal because of their “Culture.”
We can take Mitt at his word when he says that he plans to get rid of Planned Parenthood and is opposed to marriage equality.
We can take Mitt at his word when he says that he doesn’t want the United States to be lke Europe [even though Europe provided us with many things of cultural importance).
BUT can we take Mitt at his word when he says that he knows "economic “Hardship”?
Here's the thing:
Harry Reid Says Bain Investor Told Him That Mitt Romney ‘Didn’t Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years’
No wonder Romney has all that capital to flood the airwaves of swingstates with clams that he “knows how to create jobs.” It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t add that he also knows how to outsource those very same jobs that he created to India.
Hey I don’t have anything against the people of south Asia, I know that they are being exploited as a cheap source of labor.
So when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) claims an investor with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s venture capital firm Bain told him that Romney paid no taxes for a decade., I muttered: What else is new?
Sen. Reid also told the that Romney’s father, George Romney, would be embarrassed by the conduct of his son during this year’s presidential race.
Reid said: "Harry, he didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years. He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain. But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look? His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son."
Asked to respond, the Romney campaign’s advisor Kevin Madden told that Romney has “gone above and beyond the disclosure requirements by releasing two years of personal tax returns.
Fox and Friends, this morning, scolded Sen. Reid (video below).
Gretchen Carlson said: “Is that out of line for a Senator to not necessarily check the facts before you go off and bloviate and before you know it, it’s a big story. And it’s not true.”
Just like it isn’t true for a Romney P.A.C air a commercial that is OUT of Context and claim,s that President Obama doesn’t credit small business owners for creating thie success. Besides when does Faux News ever check for accuracy in the lies it reports?
Brian Kilmeade added: “He’s accusing him of breaking the law and he should go to jail."
Kilmeade also chastised Reid for bringing up Romney’s deceased father: "You’ve got to be kidding me. How irresponsible is that?”
Submitted by James Smith on Aug 1, 2012.
Honesty, INtegrity, and Class? From the Rethugnicans? The same ones pandering to the religious reich and destroying their party? The ones touted by Rush Limbaugh. Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin, the half-term quitter from Alaska? Yup, there's a class for us. The class of liars, thieves, and hypocrites.
Mitt Romney's campaign claims three falsehoods. The son of Michigan Gov. George Romney claims he knows what it's like "to wonder whether you're going to be able to make ends meet." However, there is no record of Romney's family ever living in poverty. Today, Romney is estimated to be worth $250 million.
The Romney ad also claims that he had the "best jobs record of any Massachusetts governor in the last decade."
By Michael Allen,
Wed, August 01, 2012
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently released a bizarre ad (videos below).
In the ad (video below), Mitt Romney's campaign claims three falsehoods. The son of Michigan Gov. George Romney claims he knows what it's like "to wonder whether you're going to be able to make ends meet."
However, there is no record of Romney's family ever living in poverty. Today, Romney is estimated to be worth $250 million.
The Romney ad also claims that he had the "best jobs record of any Massachusetts governor in the last decade."
However, the ad fails to mention that Massachusetts has had only two governors in the past decade, Romney and Deval Patrick, who was [and still is] governor during the economic collapse of 2007 and 2008. Romney didn't have to face the financial crisis of 2008.
Finally, Romney boasts about a $100 million surplus at theSalt Lake City Olympics, which he says was donated to an endowment for the future of Olympic sports.
However, what Romney does not mention is that the federal government gave $1.3 billion to the Olympics and that the "surplus" was $56 million, and the donation was actually $40 million, reports
Then we can take Mitt at his word when he uttered that xenophobic and racist comment that Palestine isn’t economically succesful like Isreal because of their “Culture.”
We can take Mitt at his word when he says that he plans to get rid of Planned Parenthood and is opposed to marriage equality.
We can take Mitt at his word when he says that he doesn’t want the United States to be lke Europe [even though Europe provided us with many things of cultural importance).
Here's the thing:
Harry Reid Says Bain Investor Told Him That Mitt Romney ‘Didn’t Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years’
No wonder Romney has all that capital to flood the airwaves of swingstates with clams that he “knows how to create jobs.” It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t add that he also knows how to outsource those very same jobs that he created to India.
Hey I don’t have anything against the people of south Asia, I know that they are being exploited as a cheap source of labor.
So when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) claims an investor with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s venture capital firm Bain told him that Romney paid no taxes for a decade., I muttered: What else is new?
Sen. Reid also told the that Romney’s father, George Romney, would be embarrassed by the conduct of his son during this year’s presidential race.
Reid said: "Harry, he didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years. He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain. But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look? His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son."
Asked to respond, the Romney campaign’s advisor Kevin Madden told that Romney has “gone above and beyond the disclosure requirements by releasing two years of personal tax returns.
Fox and Friends, this morning, scolded Sen. Reid (video below).
Gretchen Carlson said: “Is that out of line for a Senator to not necessarily check the facts before you go off and bloviate and before you know it, it’s a big story. And it’s not true.”
Just like it isn’t true for a Romney P.A.C air a commercial that is OUT of Context and claim,s that President Obama doesn’t credit small business owners for creating thie success. Besides when does Faux News ever check for accuracy in the lies it reports?
Brian Kilmeade added: “He’s accusing him of breaking the law and he should go to jail."
Kilmeade also chastised Reid for bringing up Romney’s deceased father: "You’ve got to be kidding me. How irresponsible is that?”
Submitted by James Smith on Aug 1, 2012.
Honesty, INtegrity, and Class? From the Rethugnicans? The same ones pandering to the religious reich and destroying their party? The ones touted by Rush Limbaugh. Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin, the half-term quitter from Alaska? Yup, there's a class for us. The class of liars, thieves, and hypocrites.
Mitt Romney's campaign claims three falsehoods. The son of Michigan Gov. George Romney claims he knows what it's like "to wonder whether you're going to be able to make ends meet." However, there is no record of Romney's family ever living in poverty. Today, Romney is estimated to be worth $250 million.
The Romney ad also claims that he had the "best jobs record of any Massachusetts governor in the last decade."
Video: Mitt Romney Makes Bizarre Claim in Latest Campaign Ad
By Michael Allen,
Wed, August 01, 2012
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney recently released a bizarre ad (videos below).
In the ad (video below), Mitt Romney's campaign claims three falsehoods. The son of Michigan Gov. George Romney claims he knows what it's like "to wonder whether you're going to be able to make ends meet."
However, there is no record of Romney's family ever living in poverty. Today, Romney is estimated to be worth $250 million.
The Romney ad also claims that he had the "best jobs record of any Massachusetts governor in the last decade."
However, the ad fails to mention that Massachusetts has had only two governors in the past decade, Romney and Deval Patrick, who was [and still is] governor during the economic collapse of 2007 and 2008. Romney didn't have to face the financial crisis of 2008.
Finally, Romney boasts about a $100 million surplus at theSalt Lake City Olympics, which he says was donated to an endowment for the future of Olympic sports.
However, what Romney does not mention is that the federal government gave $1.3 billion to the Olympics and that the "surplus" was $56 million, and the donation was actually $40 million, reports
Technorati Tags: Mitt Romney insults U.K.,Wealth,Lies