Why are Ilene Chaiken and the Cast of The REAL L Word trying to Assassinate the hipster Dyke?

I can be considered “Old School." In my all too real world, lesbians don’t generally sleep with men, sure there’s lots of drama but some variables never change.

Take the persona of the “hipster Dyke” it’s defined as: A Lesbian who is VERY fashionable and keeps up on the latest  trends and styles while staying true to her queer roots. Think: Gia Carangi, Freja Beha Erichson, Arizona Muse, Eve Salvail and Lindsay Lohan. 

This isn’t to infer that all hipster dykes are solely white dykes. The women listed are merely the most recognizable due to their public status.

At least four of the women represent the fashion industry, the most notable being late out butch/lesbian supermodel Gia Marie Carangi, who personified the image of the hipster dyke. 
Because of her profession Gia was always abreast of all the latest trends in the fashion of her time, yet Gia maintained a standard of elegance combined with being outwardly dykish.
Even later models like: Eve Salvail, noted for her bald ambition dragon tattooed head, Arizona Muse and Freja Beja  Erichson maintained an ambiance of style/trendiness and elegance while preserving thier lesbian appeal. Most noticeable is that like Gia: these women also don't ' wear makeup when not working. This is is rather stark contrast to visions of Romy Klinger religiously applying eye-shadow prior to engaging in the most casual of non work related activities.

A hipster dyke must be able to easily transition from grunge to nouveau evening wear, all while capturing that dyke je ne sais qouis or intangible quality that makes something distinctive or attractive. FrejaBehaErichson [L] and girlfriend Arizona Muse [R]
http://img003.lazygirls.info/people/arizona_muse/arizona_muse_with_freja_beha_erichsen_0Yehm1a.sized.jpg http://wap.fashr.com/files/photos/image_1/thumb_25451/700x900_scale_thumb_ARIZONA%20MUSE%20AND%20FREJA%20BEHA%20ERICHSEN%20NUM%C3%89RO%20121%20MARCH%2020112.jpg

That’s the essence of a hipster dyke.

I’m going to leave Sam Ronson out of "What is a hipster Dyke" mix and instead replace her with Lindsay Lohan:


Despite being a publicity train wreck Lohan appears to be maintaining her lesbian identity. Sam’s out because how Frakking hot is it in Los Angeles and as with the cast of the L Word she’s wearing that wool floppy cap? NO hipster dykes don’t do that, neither do we feel compelled to wear “Personality Glasses” those funky extra large non prescription glasses with plastic  frames


Hell I purchased a pair of personality glasses from Firmoo.com for $8 dollars! Difference is: I actually wear glasses and will get real lenses put in.

http://www.susanriceod.com/images/designer-frames.pngAlthough for the time being I am content with my Brooks Brothers frames.

hipster dykes don’t all have tattoos either. I mean come on. I don’t know of many or any lesbians for that matter with tattoo sleeves [Whitney] and I live in the city also known as Hollywood East.

There’s Whitney http://www.juicyclubla.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Whitney_No_Labelz_2-199x300.jpgand her Krazy Glued together dreadlocks [an affront to people of African ethnicity, because black hair doesn’t grow as fast as Caucasian hair] therefore having the ability to grow long deadlocks can take years and is considered a badge of honor.

Not to mention Kyomi’s wearing possibly non prescription $8.00https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhU8r7lnNbEKhb7EZUtZ_NWktVBmyuE6F8s6EMRq3vDBnTqs2OSQRAYNFeVPNWFgW7UEI3MairM2Fhw0Fu9k2S8Wg1UMnumhJdoPsM115cD9usVL-v0XcKyyTQ8Fo5yDVdoGVwGjg/s1600/firmoo+glasses+review.jpg personality eye wear, The Real L Word is a making a mockery of the hipster dyke with its Walking Talking homage not only to good ol’ American unoriginality but every lesbian stereotype available.Some things never change.