Rihanna and Her Subliminals Again
The other day we talked about the way Rihanna likes to say things without actually saying them [click here if you missed that].
So lets try to figure out what Rihanna is trying to tell us by being photographed leaving a Paris hotel with this book...Rihanna is carrying a copy of 'Omahyra and Boyd', an X-rated bondage book by German photographer Ellen von Unwerth, featuring model Omahyra Mota and her boyfriend Boyd in a series of erotic snaps including a bunch with Omahyra doing girl on girl.
Since Rihanna chose to leave her hotel carrying the book in her arms instead of discreetly inside a bag, we can infer that she wants us to know that she likes it rough, she swings both ways, and since this is the only book she's ever been photographed with, that she only reads books with pictures.