There is no reason for Oscar Pistorius to claim that he mistook Reeva Steenkamp for a burglar because he must have known she was in his home and therefore should have identified the person in the bathroom first. The media seems to be romanticizing the fact that Reeva: "Died in Pistorius' arms."
Sh*t he shot her! There's was no scenario when he just came upon her dying as a result of being attacked by a stranger. Oscar didn't take her in his arms as some sort of hero. Of course he tried to revive her, he KNEW he single handedly destroyed everything he had worked for
Cell phone data show no record of Francois Hougard (Steenkamp's former boyfriend) having messaged on called, this deflats the theory that Pistorius flew into a jealous rage, or does it? We know that the couple argued. It's also on record that Pistorius once threatened to break the legs of a love rival.
The only thing more annoying than Pistorius claining that he didn’t know that Reeva wasn’t an intruder before he killed her are those who insist that either: "It was an accident," or the more heinous “no one knows what really happened” and "you’ve already condemned him." Seriously, why are people clinging to the impossible notion that Pistorius is innocent.
More importantly why is his father blaming the African National Congress for the gun culture of violence in South Africa when it’s an historical fact that guns were the method of choice used by white South Africans during Apartheid (correctly pronounced Apart/Hate) to control Africans of color.
Layout of Pistorius Bedroom
Folks this isn’t Florida and Casey Anthony who intentionally mislead her parents and the police concerning her dead daughter Callie. The Murder of Reeva Steenkamp is a case that is very public. As shown in the video above, full size replicas have been made of the crime scene and you can clearly see from the angle the reporter holds the gun that it was aimed directly at the toilet in the bathroom (where Reeva was allegedy seated). \We also know how tiny the toilet area was. The rest of the bathroom was much larger.