for her Full Frontal Nudity in Under The Skin. If You want to see the non blurred photos that are saturating the internet,then I suggest you purchase the movie or book.
I’ve made it convenient by placing the items on the right side of this blog so you can safely order them. Top item is the movie, bottom item is the Book by author Donald Faber. I am currently read Under The Skin and it IS very sensual and a bit sexually frustrating at the same time, because i find myself thinking: Get It On Already! (Although that is NOT the point of her seductive moves).
for his “Massa” mentality, although I surmise that if he is forced to seel the Los Angeles Clippers he could rake in over $500 million for the team. Seems like no matter what the bigots say or do they always come out prospering.
Props to V. Stiviano for Bringing Down The Beast. Although I am hard pressed as to why she is now sayinmg that she is “saddened” by Donald Sterling’s lifetime ban from the NBA, I mean wtf did she think would happen?