The Anti “Skins”

Okay don’t shoot me but I am not feeling MTV’s newest rip-off “Skins.” See I get the edginess they are trying to portray, but let’s face it: American Teens just aren’t that cool. The boys are wishy washy or over compensating with false bravado and machismo at best and the girls:Ah yes the girls...clueless and vapid is putting it mildly.

Yeah I don’t like Skins. It’s been done and I saw the better version, but I still watched the episode with TEA, then she goes and fraks up that nice little memory by “spreading ‘em” for Tony.

See for me, well my youth was more in line with Pretty Little Liars.  What I mean is that my surroundings of my youth is Connecticut is familiar similar to the show.

Did I mention that I like how Emily hasn’t jumped the fence back to heterosexuality yet? That is Okay by Me.

Let’s just hope that Maya doesn’t return all “ex-Lesbian” or whatever they call it, or worse yet: “Bisexual” Duh-Duh-Duuuuh.