My Favorite Movie of 2011

I know 2012 has only just begun, but I am a decisive woman and when I find something I like, well that’s pretty much it. I don't have to rehash every movie from 2011.

Gee maybe it’s time I get a new girlfriend before my infatuation with Berenice Bejo and the Tilly sisters makes it impossible for real life and accessible women to compete. I love exuberance, and yes I like pretty women, but more importantly “special” women. What do I mean? Women who possess that certain “je ne se quoi, it’s a feeling that occurs when you feel that tingle in anticipation of seeing her. But enough about me.

Naturally I was ecstatic to come across these scenes from The Artist [2011] that I had not previously published.Have no fear there’s so much more that you won’t see unless you go see the film!

Clip #2 The First Meeting and Mugging for the Camera [Extended Clip]

Clip #3 Something to Set You Apart

Clip #4 Peppy On The BIG Screen.

Clip #5 Peppy’s A Star!
Oh My How Cute Does Rose Murphy sound singing: “Pennies From Heaven”?

Clip #6 Dancing to the TOP!

The entire movie isn’t online, shame because Uggie the dog was something else!