Fighting The Googron

It’s a Behemoth and now I finally get why Steve Jobs disliked Google as much as he did. In fact in time I will be transferring the domains:
To another web hosting service. Have No Fear beautiful Ones, these blogs will just revert to their former blogger Urls: and will ensure the blogs continue to exist but it is strongly recommended and you will be instructed to go to the new site location once it is established.
Google is indeed a monopoly that needs to be reigned in. Below I will write that Google provides the best contextual search around but to what end? It is stifling competition: The very essence of free enterprise.


The Blogger interface is not friendly to meta tag insertion and I swear that it seems as if everyone but me who is associated with Google is 20 years old or younger. 

Therefore using their help forums (Google does not provide live customer service) results in my writing the same question over and over (Until the reader can figure out what the problem I am referring to).


Granted this inability to read messages and respond to inquiries in CONTEXT doesn’t solely affect the youngsters at Google because rocket scientists are also ineffective communicators. Rest assured though that when you make an inquiry at Google you are NOT communicating with a rocket scientist. 

I post my queries legibly, yet I have to post the exact same question with the exact same wording repeatedly and it has become too frustrating for me. I can easily enter META/Tags into a webpage and doing so will increase my readership.

Another thing: Google was way too much in my “Kool Aid” as they say. Its monetization program is too invasive, too restrictive, not transparent and not user friendly.
As a result I have joined the ranks of users no longer willing to use Google’s Adsense program.

Granted Google does provide the best context related search for site monetization, however it takes too long to get payouts as a $100.00 minimum is required before you can Cash Out and at .01 per click or impression (per Goddess only knows how many impressions) can take forever if one doesn’t have high readership like me.

Nonetheless I doubt that anyone was making as much as the services claimed. Unless they are a major company or have very high readership.

So I am trying out different services, but to be completely honest none of them seem to offer indepth contextual results like Google and it’s because Google is such a monolopoly that I am assuming that if another search engine developed technologically equivalent to Google search, then the Googron would shut them down legally.

Why is that? Like Al Gore, Google didn’t invent the internet [It was Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web together with Robert Cailliau]. So why is this organization the Mark Zuckerberg of SEO?

Why does Google have a MONOPOLY on search, analytics, website monetization?

AD Nonsense

Google AdSense made a big push to get some of the bad apple publishers out of the Google AdSense system last year. And of course, many publishers are absolutely terrified of running afoul of the Google AdSense police, and live in fear that they may have taken a slight misstep that will get their account banned.

Such fear is well justified because Google is absolutely relentless in administering punitive measures. Once a publisher is banned they are banned for LIFE. 

Yes of course there are those that try and push the line to see how far they can go before Google pushes back. But they are in the minority 9they really are). I have read too many stories about Google unweildly hand of punishment.So publishers are expected to be able to read that extraordinalirly complex schematic that is the Adsense User Interface that seems to be redesigned every few months. It's almost as if roadlocks or other obstacles are established intentionally in order to trip up a publisher.

I’m sorry but no on e needs to exist under such an oppressive hand and for payouts that are not high higher than “slave wages” (meaning .001 as opposed to 0 (Not racist because I’m of color).