George knows Anthony's father George has joined a campaign to sign the Caylee's Law petition to create new laws that would have made it a crime for his daughter to not report Caylee's disappearance or death. Now think about it if you are one of those dumb ass Floridians who believe that Casey is innocent. If her father had anything o do with Caylee’s death, then why wouldn’t he just keep quiet? and why wasn't he ever charged"? STOP being stupid southerners for once.

Caylee Anthony died in June 2008 and wasn't reported missing for 31 days. Casey Anthony claimed for three years that she was kidnapped by a babysitter. Her decomposed body was found six months later in a swampy area near the Anthony home.

People a Killer Was Set Free On: 7.17.2011, Let's not let that happen again.
Sign the Petition to Create:
Caylee's Law
Make it a crime for not reporting
a missing child.


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