Tea-publicans and the Know-Nothing recycled: The Tea Party paints itself as something new in American politics: it is not. United States' history has always harbored such movements. Not really a political party despite its funding
by corporate sources and promotion by partisan TV commentators, the Tea Party is a special interest group controlling the direction of the Republican Party; call it the "Tea-publican Party."
This is what happens when “un” and “under” educated people are given power, these stupid, stupid, stupid motherfuckers destroy the Legacy of “America”and everything else! Why? Well they have NO consciousness of the consequences of their actions. They are like little children who ignore warnings not to play with fire, but they aren’t satisfied until they are severely burned.
Secondly they are blindly being led by a television show that egregiously promotes LIES as “news”, a TV host suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder and a drug addicted radio personality whose political experience is nil and ALL of whose academic standing is negligible.
“What does everyone else around the world think about the ridiculous debt debate going on in Washington?”
Speaking to the BBC today, British Business Secretary Vince Cable said:
"The irony of the situation at the moment, with markets opening tomorrow morning, is that the biggest threat to the world financial system comes from a few right-wing nutters in the American congress rather than the euro zone."
All of the .U.S’s European hating by redneck American idiots and their asinine supporters of color only serves to reinforce the distaste, distrust and hatred directed at the United States. The GREATEST threat to the United States is NOT Al Qaeda or Muslims. The greatest threat to the U.S. is derived from the Teabaggin uneducated Republicans who were lead to believe that they actually knew what was best for this country by individuals whose sole goal is to oust a president of color.
In addition John Boehner, who spends more time crying and giving a false impression that he cares about America is too busy being bitch slapped by newly elected Teapublicans to actually lead (even though that prick has been in Washington long enough to know the consequences of what will happen if default occurs) one would assume that he would instruct the newly elected members of congress of the direness of this default situation. However Boehner is too busy kowtowing to Eric Kantor or being afraid that his own political career will be affected.
John Boehner is another aging relic from Washington's Reagan-era College Republican set whose high school thought dominates an entire national political party unable to qualify the expiration of an array of tax cuts as a "tax increase." Which is sad.
The TEApublican LIE:
Congress, and its puppets in the media have not stated in words that they are trying to destroy America, but actions speak louder than words.
Congress, you are continuing down the path of destroying America. Please realize that we do not need you in our lives as much as you think we do. You are “sucking the oxygen” out of America. Enough is Enough……!