She’s Got The Look, The Sound and IS the REAL Thing!

Jessica Clark stars in the new Nicole Conn film: A Perfect Ending

Jessica Clark is so like/unlike Necar Zadegan. Clark is British, but also Indian and Nigerian. You just know that Nicole Conn and her partner Marina Rice Bader know what a winning FORMULA LOOKS AND SOUNDS LIKE.


By the way, did I mention that Clark is a real life lesbian who is married to a woman?! That used to be a given assumption until AfterEllen started introducing us to women who were married to men, in monogamous, heterosexual relationships with men, having children with men,  but who were still identifying as lesbian.


Ha Haaaaaa! Clark is the REAL Deal! She’s NOT running around claiming to be bisexual with an invisible girlfriend and a husband safely tucked away at home.  Do I need to repeat that AfterEllen? When did you stop promoting the reality that lesbians sleep with women exclusively?

Jessica Clark is also NOT some Republican that viewers have to imagine is in a nonexistent lesbian story arc on a basic cable show either.  Do I need to repeat that Dorothy? Now go create another animated GIF for your youthful followers.

Jessica Clark:

(a.k.a Necar Zadegan Redux-Lite)  That’s ALL Good with me! Cause she’s not really Necar Zadegan but is Necar enough for those of us still swooning following Conn’s other film: Elena Undone

She’s got: The LOOK

A couple of posts earlier (The Day The Black Man Lost His Swagger) I wrote about racism and the relevance of race as a component of access.

Years ago there was an incident where I was contemplating having an affair with an African American woman who had a lover who happened to be Caucasian. I asked my potential object of desire why she was involved with that woman if she wanted to see other women.  Her answer was that her white lover provided her with “access” (Social, Economic) and in fact the white woman told her that she could do as she pleased as long as she didn’t leave her.  Oh Yeah she was that HOT (Operative word: “was”).

In the end I did not have the affair and I am glad that I didn’t because she had a tendency of flaunting her indiscretions in her partner’s face which I found particularly cruel and humiliating for the partner.  Shame on you Debbie in Hyattsville, MD.

So what does that have to do with Jessica Clark? Well nothing personally.  It’s more in the context of white women always having access to beautiful women of color, like Jessica Clark.


Whereas a lot of women of color are often mired in our own self induced mess of internalized homophobia to even be in an environment to meet a woman like Clark, notwithstanding the economic and other status inequities. Kind of like how you only see Asian lesbians with white lesbians on The Real L Word, yes there is a degree of racism among some Asian lesbians who exclusively will only date white women, although that is changing a little (not much though).