NOT A Fan am NOT a member of the Chaz Bono or Salvatore Bono or whatever Welcome Wagon.  Nope, No Siree.  I mean seriously what the fuck has he done besides being the child of internationally famous parents?

I remember watching Chaz’s 1st onscreen appearance in the lesbian independent movie: Girl Bar {Bar Girls?] and the only activism I ever saw was him getting in and out of his car talking on a cell phone, or looking at the camera. 

Chaz had to be OUTED in the first place only to then spend years complaining about it.

To make matters worse Chaz Bono has been showered with awards from a completely desperate LGBT community for doing absolutely nothing. Now he's claiming that he was never a lesbian, which is BULLSHIT. Why the fuck was he in the movie “Girl Bar”? Why did he seek acceptance from the lesbian community? Now it’s the Lesbian online world that’s promoting Chaz as an author/activist, he’s NOT an activist.

In addition most Trans people are much more open to accepting the various aspects of Transgender identity. BUT not Chaz! he's a straight man (with a VAGINA). I am calling Chaz OUT! There are some DEEP psychological issues going on here.  This is very UN P.C. but Back in the day anyone who looked liked the photo to the right was referred to as a Bull Dyke, not as a straight man [with a vagina].

Chaz Bono definitely has issues in reconciling his LESBIANISM, if you keep the VJJ my friend you are still a woman [Albeit a rough prison inmate looking woman] and there is None of this AE insanity like the: Lesbian who is in a monogamous relationship with a man, or being a straight man with a Vagina who has babies.

Did you know that there are transgender men who are  prostituting themselves in order to earn enough money to fly to Mexico and get the surgery that will remove their penis only then have additional surgery to complete the transition to female, these individuals risk their lives by having sex with strangers because being a complete female is so important to their sense of self and identity that they must completely transition.

Where are their awards? Why the fuck is Perez Hilton sucking on Chaz’s non existent dick?  Why is everyone else doing the same thing? Fawning over Chaz but for what? There’ll be NO invite to Cher’s house.

Think about it: with ALL of his money why hasn’t Chaz completely transitioned? If he claims to be a “straight” man then why won’t he get a penis? No I am not going to act as if Chaz Bono has accomplished anything significant and I will not promote him as an activist when he hasn’t done anything. I mean WTF? Chaz should be grateful that I am referring to him as a “He” considering his vagina. I LOVE my vagina and regardless of orientation or political leanings I AM a woman and fully embrace my identity.

Besides I am concerned as to the psychological implications.  Homophobes always claim that being Queer or Trans is a psychological condition due to self loathing. Notice that Transsexual people almost always "reassign" themselves to a gender where they're "straight". Why is that? Why am I expected to whole heartedly accept everything the millennium LGBT embraces? What’s this trend of people having half surgery and yet claiming to be a man who gave birth or in Chaz’s case he had his documents officially changed even though he hasn’t fully transitioned. importantly what has Chaz Salvatore Bono done for the Trans community except write a book that enriches him, or getting praise for appearing on Dancing With The Stars? Oh and don’t you just know that his girlfriend is hanging in there with him, she knows who pays the bills Cha Ching.