The Tyranny of Google Has Struck Again. Now there is only one post appearing. This blog usually has 5 posts displayed BUT FOR SOME REASON THEY HAVE BEEN ARCHIVED. The vanished posts can be accessed by clicking “Older Posts” at the bottom of the Blog's Page.
I didn’t do anything to cause this and as I have previously written, it is virtually if not literally impossible to get answers from Google as to why my posts suddenly disappear. The staff consists of clueless volunteers and I am not in the mood to repeat the same question over and over and over. I haven't chnaged servers yet because I am writing a novelette. I wish Google would stop buying up the internet because it's clearly too much for them to handle.
The Google Monster
"The Googster"
I didn’t do anything to cause this and as I have previously written, it is virtually if not literally impossible to get answers from Google as to why my posts suddenly disappear. The staff consists of clueless volunteers and I am not in the mood to repeat the same question over and over and over. I haven't chnaged servers yet because I am writing a novelette. I wish Google would stop buying up the internet because it's clearly too much for them to handle.