Of Course I couldn’t reference Gia Carangi in one video, without making another video with the REAL Gia Marie Carangi featured in it. No, I am not “Idolizing” a deceased drug addict. Yes that is exactly what Gia became, but so far Gia Carangi is still the ONLY role that Angelina Jolie has played where the real person that Jolie portrayed was actually prettier than Jolie. After all Gia was my inspiration.
This video is about her demise to the effects of the opiate Heroin, it is raw and unfocused like GIa's life became.
By the time I went to New York to model, Gia was already a Legend and was either dead or dying from AIDS [neither of which I was aware of at the time]. All I knew was that to me, Gia was oh so freaking HOT and she moved me to follow my dream.
I am too old to be lusting after this model, in my time GIA was the model of choice for lesbians.
Later it was Eve Salvail [who’s still alive] but it’s about time someone took over where Gia left off and for me Freja is the one. (Below: Erichson pictured with Girlfriend).
What a tragedy that Gia got caught up in the temptations of narcotics and it destroyed her.
By the time I went to New York to model, Gia was already a Legend and was either dead or dying from AIDS [neither of which I was aware of at the time]. All I knew was that to me, Gia was oh so freaking HOT and she moved me to follow my dream.
In this second video is some intimate footage of the real Gia Carangi.
Gia was LESBIAN, no matter what Hollywood would have you believe, Carangi was a gloriously beautiful and tall: Soft Butch.
Gia was LESBIAN, no matter what Hollywood would have you believe, Carangi was a gloriously beautiful and tall: Soft Butch.
Fortunately i left New York (It wasn't meant for me to be there) before it brought me down. Besides I had not become a supermodel anyway. Still I am glad I didn’t stay because it is a tempting style of life even if one isn’t famous. Remember it was the 80’s and 90’s the era of the “Ultra” nightclubs like: Studio 54 and later Limelight disco and for the models Rick’s American Cafe in Greenwich Village and Garbo’s.
Is Freja Beha Erichson destined to be the heir apparent to the throne of GIA Carangi?:
Later it was Eve Salvail [who’s still alive] but it’s about time someone took over where Gia left off and for me Freja is the one. (Below: Erichson pictured with Girlfriend).
Technorati Tags: Manhatten,models,modelling,Studio 54,Limelight,Garbo's,Rick's American cafe,GIA,Gia Marie Carangi,lesbians,lesbian models