The very fuirst time that I saw Charlotte
Church, she was on the Oprah Wimfrey show and about 12 years old. She was singing Ave Maria and was the original Jackie Evancho.
Well I thought that Charlotte had the voice of an Angel (if they existed that is), when in all reality she's just a classically trained opera singer. Jackie Evancho is another Opera singer in training. These young women didn't just burst onto the public arena, their parents saw a natural talent and nurtured it, just like all loving parents should.
Well Charlotte spent years performing religious music because it's hard to break out of character once one is crowned as having the voice of an angel but she has branched out and here is one of her earlier secular performances.
Charlotte Church will never neglect the beautiful instrument that enhances fans of the classical genre.
And her latest: Charlotte Church performing new single Glitterbombed from her forthcoming EP 'TWO'
Performing Nerve for the line of best fit
Intense. I think she finally found her heart and souL.
And here is american Jackie Evancho on America’s Got talent (Her debut)
WTF has happened to her? Oh, our little miss Church has done and growed up! WAY up!